When drug violence worsens on the USA Mexico border, the FBI sends an idealistic agent, Kate Macer on a mission to eradicate a drug cartel responsible for a bomb that had killed members of her team.
Genre : Crime
Country :USA
Cast :
Emily Blunt : Kate Macer
Josh Brolin : Matt Graver
Benicio del Torro : Alejandro
Director : Denis Villeneuve

My opinion :
It's about time I gave my opinion on a number of films I've watched a while ago. I didn't have the time for that yet. Or was it just because I didn't feel like writing about them? It's not because they were aweful and totally crap. Far from. But quite simply because they were already extensively praised by other movie buffs. So here it is. A short and modest opinion.
“You're asking me how a watch works.
For now, just keep an eye on the time.”
For now, just keep an eye on the time.”
The film certainly is excellent. But haven't we seen this kind of "war against seemingly elusive Mexican drug cartels" before? Particularly the kind of movies where corruption and deliberate lies play a major role. With manipulative officials and field workers who have their own agenda. It's all exciting, hard and ominous in this realistic "war on drugs" film, set in the blistering hot deserts of Mexico. The three main characters are a mixture of different characters. Emily Blunt (who played outstanding in "Edge of Tomorrow", where she showed that she effortlessly could handle a physically grueling role) as the FBI agent Kate Macer, assisting two experts in this hopeless struggle. The first one is Josh "Oldboy" Brolin as the dead calm Matt digger who never shows the back of his tongue. And then there's also Benicio del Toro as the mysterious acting Alejandro. Three masterfully played leading roles who are dancing, on the sound of a mariachi band, a complicated and politically charged Mexican dance.
But as mentioned earlier, it didn't impress me that much. Certainly not in the same way as "Prisoners". It's a rough and (figuratively) ugly film. But gorgeous and endlessly beautiful imaged. But the stereotypical characters are also introduced again. The head of a cartel enjoying a wonderful supper together with his family in a huge, imposing hacienda while his paltry and violent troops do the dirty work. A fragile FBI agent who again must stand her ground between the more robust and more imposing males. And finally it's just another divide and conquer story in which the boundaries of morality are shifted again. Nothing new under the blazing Mexican sun.
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