Peter Bower (Adrien Brody) is a tormented soul whose life became an ordeal after the fatal accident of his daughter. With the help of his friend and colleague Duncan Stewart (Sam "Jurassic Park" Neill), he attempts to give meaning to his life back again. However, after a while he becomes aware that his limited number of patients aren't exactly overflowing with a joy for life (literally and figuratively). This leads to a search for the cause of a guilt feeling he developed since his childhood. He returns to his hometown to investigate a tragic accident that happened in the past. And this because of the connection his current patients have with this point in time.
Genre : Mystery/Horror
Country : Australia/UK
Cast :
Adrien Brody : Peter Bower
Sam Neill : Duncan Stewart
George Shevtsov : William Bower
Director : Michael Petroni
“Pete … I'm here to help you.
I really appreciate it. At least you're still alive to help me.”
I really appreciate it. At least you're still alive to help me.”
You can hardly call this horror. There's practically not a single scary moment. The atmosphere is quite creepy and there are a few attempts to provide a jump scare, but in the end most of them are rather disappointing. It isn't original by any means and the subject has been widely used in other films already. As in "The Babadook" the main focus is a grieving process and the psychological impact it has on a person's psyche. The biggest problem is cataloging this movie in one particular genre. Is it a psychological thriller? Or a typical ghost story? Or can you label it as an old-fashioned murder mystery? You can expect some skeletons being found in the closet. Both literally and figuratively.
"Backtrack" isn't exactly a film that will leave a great impression. It isn't exactly bad either. And this because of the convincing acting of Brody. It's not high quality cinema, but it's appropriate to entertain yourself during a rainy Sunday. Even though the plot is a tad too predictable. Unfortunately it's also one of those many films you can't remember anything from the other day.
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