On the morning of May 10, 1996, climbers from two commercial expeditions start their final ascent toward the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. With little warning, a violent storm strikes the mountain, engulfing the adventurers in one of the fiercest blizzards ever encountered by man. Challenged by the harshest conditions imaginable, the teams must endure blistering winds and freezing temperatures in an epic battle to survive against nearly impossible odds.
Genre : Adventure/Biography/Drama
Country : USA/UK/Iceland
Cast :
Jason Clarke : Rob Hall
Josh Brolin : Beck Weathers
Emily Watson : Helen Wilton
Director : Michael Medaglia

"To put it simply, guys.
Human beings simply aren't built to function at the cruising altitude of a 747.”
And yet I couldn't resist to go watch this movie on the big screen. Partly because I was expecting some impressive images in this mountainous landscape. And this time I wouldn't make the same mistake as with "Gravity". I'm not going to wait for the DVD or VOD version and then think of Mount Everest as being a measly little mountain. Even though I have a huge flat screen. "Gravity" turned out to be a deep disappointment. On the other hand there are all these famous actors who collaborate in this film. If you succeed in convincing Jason Clarke, Sam Worthington, Emily Watson, Keira Knightley, Josh Brolin and Jake Gyllenhaal to co-operate in this semi-disaster movie, you're holding all the trump cards anyway. For me personally, the fact that Jake Gyllenhaal is in it, was already a reason to watch this film. And he didn't disappoint as the somewhat eccentric expedition leader Scott Fischer (although his contribution is rather limited). Even Knightley (her smile frightens me more than my fear of heights) didn't stop me.
The ascent to the top is of course the second main part of the film. Superbly visualized and filmed. The physical suffering and perseverance of the participants is more realistic than expected. You can admire hallucinatory panoramas which make you feel as if you were on that hillside yourself. And when the weather changes drastically, it's all just about surviving. It's another demonstration of how small we are as human beings in relation to the elements of nature. A trial of strength between man and nature. Of course, this is the most exciting and intense part of the film. Unfortunately the outcome is known in advance. The only surprise element that remained was who'd survive this hellish journey in the end.
What was the cause of this disaster eventually? Was it because of overconfidence? The fact that it was reasonably crowded at the foot of the Mount Everest and thus the commercialization indirectly caused it? Or was it just bad luck that a severe storm hit them? This is a story of human failure in the annals of world mountaineering. That's irrefutable. But what about all those other victims worldwide while climbing gigantic mountain peaks? Ultimately, one can only conclude from this that we are powerless against murderous nature. Eventually the leading role in "Everest" is reserved for the mountain itself. Notwithstanding the hallucinatory images and suspense, this wasn't a highlight for me when it's about movies in 2015.
My rating 5/10
Links : IMDB
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