Summary An alien race has hit the Earth in an unrelenting assault, unbeatable by any military unit in the world. Major William Cage is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously dropped into what amounts to a suicide mission. Killed within minutes, Cage now finds himself inexplicably thrown into a time loop-forcing him to live out the same brutal combat over and over, fighting and dying again...and again. But with each battle, Cage becomes able to engage the adversaries with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski. Genre : SF/Action Country : USA Cast : Tom Cruise : Cage Emily Blunt : Rita Charlotte Riley : Nance Director : Doug Liman
My opinion
“What do we do now? I don't know. We've never gotten this far.”
Frankly, thus far I am very disappointed about the movies I was looking forward to for so long.In “Godzilla”the infamousmonster was totally absent,“Transcendence”was tooordinary andmeaningless, “Divergent”wasjust anotherSFFantasytalefor teenage girls, “300 Rise of an Empire” was just like "300", "The Expendables 3" looked exhausted andare in need of a replacementand"Pompeii" wasa storm ina teacup.Only“Robocop”, "Guardians of the Galaxy","Maleficent" and "Captain America:WinterSoldier"could surpriseand enchant me. I wasn't expecting much from"Edge of Tomorrow". Partly due to the fact that Mr. Cruise probably would be shining on the screen again the way he always does. That's what I thought!What a big mistake that was. For me "Edge of Tomorrow", a film based on the Japanesecomic book "All you need is kill"by HiroshiSakurazaka, isalreadyTHE summer blockbuster.
Imagine an invasion on a vast coastline in France as in "Saving Privat Ryan", but this time in a more futuristic perspective. High-tech helicopters flying through the sky and dropping "Robocop"-like soldiers on the beach, who immediately start a massive battle against fierce aliens, called Mimics, who look as if they appeared in "The Matrix". You get an adrenaline boost while watching this battlefield with advancing forces being massacred. And in between is a pity looking Colonel Cage (Tom Cruise) who in an inexplicable way got promoted from Colonel to an ordinary soldier with an indelible stain. He turns out to be a deserter, so to speak. He gets an ultra modern combat equipment and he's ordered to be part of the first platoon which will lead the invasion and will throw itself in the middle of this bloody war. Ironically, he has no idea how to turn off the safety of his Japanese speaking equipment, and so he's killed almost instantly. Due to circumstances however, he ends up in a sort of time-cycle like Bill Murray experienced in "Groundhog Day". He goes back in time again and again to the moment when he wakes up at the base from where the invasion is coordinated.
Only some questions remained. Why exactly was it that particular point in time ? Was it Bill Cage who determined this ? Maybe I've overlooked the answer or I misunderstood something. But don't let this spoil the fun because it's a fascinating, action-packed, exciting and sometimes humorous stunner of a movie. Even the presence of Cruise didn't bother me. Normally Cruise is such an actor who has such an ego and pretentiousness that the screen is filled with his personality anyway. This was better than expected. Even his room wide dazzling smile shrank perceptibly. And to be honest, this film is fun for all moviegoers. Those who can't stand Cruise may rejoice about the fact that Cruise gets exterminated numerous times. Those who idolize Cruise can be thrilled because he comes back to live over and over again so he can restart the mission as a true hero.
DougLiman created aheart-poundingragingSF. It's something like"The BourneIdentity". A successfulconceptand probably because of theextremelydeviousput togetherscript.Despite the fact thatthe same eventis repeated a few times, thisisn'treally disturbing,becauseBillCage attempts to tackle the situation each timein a different way.And this leads sometimes tohilarious moments.
As said before, therathertimidTomCruise played an enjoyable role asColonelCage.But the momentEmilyBluntappears on the sceneasRitaVrataski,"TheAngel ofVerdun", everything speeds up andthe interactionsand fragments become humorous andentertaining.She's the perfect choiceasthe fierce female soldier who's alsoextremelyattractive at the same time.I remembered the days when I sat at home before my monitor for hours struggling with an extremely difficultmission in"Call ofDuty". Frustrated I always started over again trying in a different way till I succeeded to fight my way through it. The sameprinciple is usedin"Edge of Tomorrow". Also,there were twonoteworthysupporting roles. Brendan Gleesonplayed theruthless GeneralBrigham and you can see Bill Paxtonin averyamusingroleas the drill sergeantFarell.
It'sobvious I'm really enthusiastic about this movie and had a great time watching this highly entertaining movie. It's certainly acandidate forthe title of "Best action movie" of the year 2014. The othercandidatecompeting forthis title is for me "Captain America: WinterSoldier". And right nowit'sa tie. Despitethe end being a bit illogical, this SF is highly recommended.A lot of action packedscenes in a furious pace. A dazzlingspectacle withsome contagious humor andsurprising plottwists. Fortunately a corny romance was omitted. And finally, Tom Cruise effacing himself in relation to thewhole picture.All this makesthis film amust-see.AndI'm going to do something Irarelydo: I'm going to re-watch it !
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