donderdag 31 juli 2014

Afflicted (2013)
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: Horror
Country : Canada/USA

Derek Lee : Derek
Clif Prowse : Clif
Baya Rehaz : Audrey

: Derek Lee,Clif Prowse
Alternative title : Ends of the Earth


Best friends Derek and Clif set out on a trip of lifetime. Their plan: travel to the ends of the earth, see the world, and live life to the fullest. But the trip soon takes a dark and bloody turn. Just days in, one of the men shows signs of a mysterious affliction which gradually takes over his entire body and being. Now, thousands of miles from home, in a foreign land, they must race to uncover the source before it consumes him completely. Footage meant to be travel memories may now become evidence of one of the most shocking discoveries ever captured on film...and perhaps will be their only postcard home.

My opinion 

“This is not a disease!
There is no cure!
You have to kill to survive!”

The moment "Afflicted" began, I sighed and thought to myself : "Please not again such a terrible found footage movie ..." Usually they look like a documentary with dreadful amateurish movieclips. It always seems as if it is filmed by some grandmother who forgot that she has to push the red button again so it will stop recording. Afterwards when viewing the film, it's a series of mundane and monotonous blurry images which sway around all the time. Not exactly something you can charm me with.

Of course there are exceptions in this genre. The mother of all found footage films "Cannibal Holocaust" received a cult status. It was (I think) a movie that used this new element for the first time. David Carter's quote is actually the explanation of the principle: "The viewer feels as if they are there with the crew, experiencing the horrors with them". "The Blair Witch Project" led to the revival of this genre and became infamous (although that status was achieved because of the hype at that time about whether or not the images were authentic). "Cloverfield" and seemingly "Chronicle" are also memorable films. But unfortunately there are also terrible creations that only loyal supporters enchant like "The Dinosaur Project","The tapes","SX tapes","A night in the Woods "and "Evidence". It's a genre that I'm really not that fond about.

"The Afflicted" turned out to be quite a pleasant surprise for me. First the visuals weren't so bad and I didn't need to run for a pill of "Touristil" to counteract the upcoming seasickness. This is partly because Clif is a documentary filmmaker and uses a sophisticated film equipment. This looks all professional and that makes that the filming is of an exceptional quality. So no garden-and-kitchen camcorder was used, mostly resulting in terribly blurry and shaking images. And "First person shooter" fans know the camera position used. So if you regularly do a bit of fragging in "Call of Duty", "Halo" or "Far Cry", then you'll appreciate this footage.

In addition, a time-honored horror legend revived again in a fresh and sometimes humorous way. The first 30 minutes are not really exciting. And you can't speak of very spectacular acting. It's just a travelogue made by Derek (Derek Lee) and Clif (Clif Prowse), after they left on a world trip. Atmospheric images and beautiful panoramic views were edited in a rather wonderful way. Especially the images of "Cinque Terre" and "La Spezia" looked as if they came straight out of a promotional video of a travel agency. It's waiting for the beginning of the suspense. That's the thing you are waiting for eventually. And when you're a seasoned horror fan, then it must be something very special before it provides some excitement. Well the moment Derek starts getting the symptoms that indicates that something is not right, it became fascinating. A unique approach to the phenomenon Derek is suffering from. It's done in a humorous way (experimenting with his sudden powers and especially looking for the right way to satisfy his hunger was sublime) and sometimes in a scary way (the transformation, the pulsating veins all over his body, the threatening animal sounds and the way of moving). I realized that it wouldn't be a typical horror movie involving some paranormal activity, a gang of zombies, a pandemic caused by a virus or an old-fashioned ghost story. I think it's a creditable performance by the makers, to achieve this movie with the limited resources they had.

Conclusion: The beginning felt rather forced, but when Derek's mutations manifest (and I anxiously try not to give any spoilers away), a raw and frenzy story starts. Personally, I think it's a film that brings both the found-footage genre as the most ancient horror subject ever, to a higher level. The brilliant camera technique ensures that this low-budget horror looked outstanding. A driven, bloodthirsty and creepy horror in which seemingly a new superhero was created. It started as something funny and as a joke to splice a rock with bare fists, but soon it degenerated into a nightmare. For fans of the genre this is a "must see" and it is definitely a successful experiment in the "low-budget" section.

My rating 7/10
Links : IMDB

woensdag 30 juli 2014

All Good Things (2010)
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: Crime/Thriller/Drama
Country : USA

Ryan Gosling : David Marks
Kirsten Dunst : Katie Marks
Frank Langella : Sanford Marks

: Andrew Jarecki


A love story and murder mystery based on the most notorious unsolved murder case in New York history. The original screenplay uses newly discovered facts, court records and speculation as the foundation for a story of family, obsession, love and loss.

My opinion

“My father always said to only regret the things you didn't do not the things you did.”

"All good things" is a beautiful love story that slowly turns into a psychological drama and ends up as a mystery. A mystery that remains unsolved and ultimately has an open end as big as the Grand Canyon. It's based on true facts and reconstructed according to court documents. In reality, it was about Kathleen Durst, who's to this day still registered as a missing person. She was married to Robert Durst, son of a real estate mogul in New York. On January 31, 1982, the 29-year-old student from Manhattan, New York disappeared . And now, after all these years, they made this movie in which the main characters are given the names Katie and David Marks.

They managed to cast two big names for this movie who depict the turbulent love life in a recognizable and convincing manner. Kirsten Dunst played an outstanding poignant role as the lovable Katie who falls for the charming David, played by Ryan Gosling. Personally, I'm not so impressed with Gosling's previous acting. I was afraid I had to look at a straight face again the whole movie. A face where not a shred of emotion is detectable. But that turned out better than I was hoping for and throughout the whole movie Gosling showed a true pallet of all sorts of human emotions: joy, love, sadness, fear, pain and anger. Compared to the two movies "Drive" and "Only God Forgives", Gosling had a shitload of text to remember. A great interpretation. In particular, the gradual transition from a charming young man into a tormented, aggressive and introverted person was a well played act.

Ditto for Kirsten Dunst. She charms you from the beginning with her lovely appearance and highly endearing smile. The desperation that she shows after a certain time and the intense grief she has when she realizes that there isn't a possibility to escape this nightmare, is a beautiful rendition. It certainly is a more subtle role than just playing the girlfriend of Spiderman.

"All good things" starts obviously with all the good things that are part of human life. Meeting someone for the first time, flirting and the intense feeling of love, thinking about the future, wedding plans ... Everything peppered with joy and love. Life can't go wrong anymore. And then the pink cloud turns into a dark gray rainy cloud. The moment Katie brings up the subject of having children, it's radically rejected by David. This is the reversal in the passionate relationship that existed between these two lovers. And before you know it the atmosphere is ruined and the ghosts from the past are haunting him again. David turns into a depressed, moody and aggressive person. The gap between the two is growing by the day. It goes from bad to worse and Katie begins to explore the possibilities of a divorce. And then she disappears ... And that is until now still the case. Unresolved.

The moment the story changes from ​​a touching romantic and emotional movie into a thriller full of mystery, I lost focus. It was suddenly all very absurd and confusing. The chemistry between David and Katie and the built up tension was wonderful to see. But the part about the disappearance and subsequent the judicial investigation with scattered fragments, was fairly vague. The only thing made clear throughout the film was the heavy burden resting on David's shoulders. David withdrawing himself in anonymity because the finger was pointed at him soon after, I can understand. But the masquerade and dressing up as a woman, was a bit too much and unexplained. Ultimately, it's a movie without a clear answer. But It couldn't be otherwise, since that's how it was in reality. And eventually you end up with even more questions than when the movie started! Actually it's a film that belongs in the category of "TV movies about unsolved disappearances" as "The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case" with Anthony Hopkins. A banal movie you can watch again on a rainy Saturday night on a TV-channel.

My rating 5/10
Links : IMDB

dinsdag 29 juli 2014

Holy Ghost People (2013)
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: Thriller/Drama
Country : USA

Emma Greenwell : Charlotte
Joe Egender : Billy
Brendan McCarthy : Wayne

Director : Mitchell Altieri


In this psychological thriller, nineteen-year old Charlotte enlists the help of alcoholic ex-Marine Wayne to find her estranged sister who has gone missing deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Their search leads them to the Church of One Accord and an enigmatic snake-handling preacher named Brother Billy, who's devoted congregation of outcasts knowingly risk injury or death seeking salvation in the Holy Ghost.

My opinion

Bless your name, holy Jesus.
Satan's sheddin' big ol' tears tonight.
He's a big boy, ain't he? I call him Satan, 'cause he's so big and mean.
It's these deadly serpents the Lord sent us to handle... without fear.
Our hearts are filled with the Holy Ghost.
Get on up here, Brother Cole. Satan wants to talk to you.

"The Holy Ghost People" is not really a horror, even if the movie poster looks like it and it's a pretty macabre theme. It's more a thriller in which the creepy part is manifested through the religious sphere. Or you get the shivers already by looking at some poisonous rattlesnakes.

What makes this movie eerie is the fact that it's indeed still possible that an individual who's charismatic and has the talent to preach in a convincing way, can manipulate a bunch of people so that they follow him blindly and firmly believe in what this indoctrinating figure proclaims. A person with a seemingly clear mind who tries to convince others that he's talking the truth (however it's usually a twisted truth). Regardless if what he's preaching is based on Biblical or other religious texts or that this is simply improvised and full of hollow words. And he usually speaks to people who have physically and emotionally difficulties, or are recovering from a particular setback, and actually are in need and looking for a glimmer of hope and a last resort to hold on to. History has already shown the effect of such figures and what they can cause. And without going into a religious debacle here, I'm convinced that most of the global problems are rooted in the religious aspect of human life. And that's something that scares a lot of people already. Enough said!

Charlotte (Emma Greenwell) is an ordinary waitress in a local bar in a godforsaken American town near the Appalachians. She's looking for her sister Liz who she has thrown out years ago because of a persistent drug addiction. The last thing she knows about Liz is that she has joined a cult called "The Church of the One Accord" somewhere in the mountains. She asks help from the Afghanistan veteran Wayne (Brendan McCarthy) who's suffering from PTSD and has an alcohol problem and who she helped one night. At first he's rather reluctant until Charlotte waves some dollar bills in front of his eyes. Before you know it they are attending a service with this religious group and they meet the phlegmatic and charismatic figure Billy (Joe Egender) who looks like he walked away from a 60s movie and you expect him to sing a rock song any moment. A true religious crooner. He emphasizes his message by using poisonous rattlesnakes. They are the symbol of the eternal struggle between God and the devil. Charlotte and Wayne soon realize that Liz is not present and Charlotte goes to investigate. Before they know it, however, they are caught in the web of the dangerous religious Brother Billy and his henchmen.

Ultimately, this wasn't bad movie in the beginning. The gloomy atmosphere was constantly present and even at times it was pretty exciting. The images mounted in between from the eponymous documentary made by Peter Adair in 1967, made sure that the lurid and creepy atmosphere was maintained. The performances are the strongest part of this movie. It's the denouement that's the weak point. Especially Joe Egender I thought was fantastic and did some strong acting. He really came across as an evil and manipulative person with his loud-sounding voice and the way he spoke to his followers in a hypnotic way. A true wolf in sheep's clothing. Satan in person. Brendan McCarthy and Emma Greenwell were very convincing as the by chance created couple. McCarthy, ravaged by alcohol and who actually preferred to drive back. He's a character who cares about nothing. Greenwell tries to unravel the puzzle on her own. They truly did their best in a convincing way.

But then the movie turns into a complete mess and ends in a disappointing way. The entire buildup is fabulous and is negated by the uninspired denouement. Why couldn't they just simply ask about the presence of Liz? Despite their aversion and indifference about that religious stuff, they still let themselves immerse. It also seemed strange to me that they could feel from the outset that there was a certain danger when staying in this closed community.

In a certain way this was a scary and creepy movie about the deterrent of fanatical sects. A succession of extreme religious brainwashing where self-punishment is a method of self-purification. A crazy ritual encouraged by a dogmatic person. There are several films about such cults (and this one is definitely better than "Red State"). And because it is strange and incomprehensible for "normal" people this can lead to confusion and even fright, as the unknown frightens. So don't expect gory scenes and ghastly moments. For genre fans, it's a film that's worth watching.

My rating 6/10
Links : IMDB

maandag 28 juli 2014

Complicity (2013)

Summary : a seemingly fun party goes horribly awry, a group of teenagers must decide their fates.

: Thriller/Drama

Country : USA


Soshana Bush : Shannon
Heather Hemmens : Kimberley
Haley Ramm : Lacy

Director : C.B. Harding

My opinion

"Don't you get gangsta with me, dog."

"Complicity" impressed me as much as when during my military service some officer yelled to me that I would get weekend detention if I didn't clean a cobblestone road behind the barracks more thoroughly every morning. So, Very little. I was more impressed by an immense American "Drill Sergeant" who enlisted me to go on an nightly shooting practice (because I was part of the medical department and was responsible for handing out cotton wool to prevent hearing damage) with a few "marines "originally from Hawaii and now stationed in Germany, where the warheads were kept. I was particularly impressed that night when that huge sergeant started to yell at his men that they were a bunch of "losers" and that they were not as good as "The Medic" because I had a better hit ratio after shooting with an M-16 (I had already shot with just about any Belgian crap gun, so when he asked whether I wanted to try, I jumped at the chance). The word "lethal" was used several times and he asked if I would join The United States Army as a sniper. This has actually nothing to do with this movie, but it's fun to tell it once more.

It starts as a typical high school story. Movies that take place in and around an American high school are always very interesting. Not because these are masterpieces (Besides "The Breakfast Club", "Class of 1984" and "Pretty in Pink"), but because there's always a club of stereotypes in it. Similarly here. First you have the two class bimbos Shanon Erdman (Shoshana Bush) and Kim (Heather Hemmens) who are as fake as a rubber duck and have an IQ level of a typical kiwi. Usually those Beauty Queens are more concerned about themselves and aware of their irresistible beauty (the outside of course). And their skills are limited to the use of a smartphone (while using a limited vocabulary like "OMG" and "No way") and the organization of meaningless parties. Obviously, one of the two has a boyfriend Kurt (Logan Huffman), the quarterback and local "jock" who excels in throwing an egg-shaped ball but whose brains largely descended into his biceps. And just like a remoras that accompanies a white shark, there's also a teammate (preferably a fat black dude) Dwayne (TJ Wilkins) who follows this dumb muscle everywhere. The only reason they are friends is the fact that they happen to play in the same team. This argument is even confirmed in this movie.

Another one who can't be missed is the Goth chick. On reflection she's a not unattractive looking girl who's still looked at as a special case because of her alternative looks (a black swirling dress like Siouxsie, raven black hair and an overuse of mascara) and has a hate relationship with the barbies from school. In this movie there's a little deviation from this pattern because Lacy (Haley Ramm) apparently seems to be accepted. What else is she doing at Erdman's place ? And then you also need some weirdo. This part is for Mica (August Emerson). A kind of Brian Molko who occurs to be an androgynous person and he's accepted by the school twats probably because he has some taste for fashion.

And last but not least, we have the loner Dylan (Josh Janowicz) who's doing his utmost best to isolate himself and therefore gets even more in the spotlight. In most cases he's a person who scores reasonably good grades at school but because of certain circumstances his grades are going down. Usually this individual is screwed in the end. The only thing missing are a bunch of nerds and geeks. They were not explicitly portrayed here. But if you look at some visitors of the party, there are still some that I would categorize under this type. And then you have the "wannebes" like Rachel (Jenna Boyd) who would do anything
(even driving around with a corpse) to be part of those who are popular. In most High School movies this range of characters comes along.

The content of "Complicity" feels as if it's a thesis of a psychology student that deals with the interaction between individuals, who differ in personality and origin, during a stressful situation and how they seek for an acceptable solution. If this movie is the end result of this student's hard work, I would definitely flunk him because the end result is rather meager. No stress, no surprise, no unexpected twist, no startling end. Briefly: the bimbos are organizing a party because the parents arrive the next day, apparently everyone is invited (even the outsiders), some flirting goes out of control and there is even a so called sexual assault (although this isn't really proven), they end the party and things get out of hand, a fairly unpleasant problem arises and then the blaming and self protection starts. In the end the problem solves itself eventually.

So don't expect in-depth psychological developments. It's just a childish yes-no game and everyone is trying to save his own ass. Then it becomes completely hilarious as the brainless beauty queens start to converse in a deep philosophical way like Shannon at a given time. Kim also made her contribution in the end by demonstrating that she understood the deeper meaning of parataxis, as used by Allen Ginsberg, and she applied this technique on the recent experiences :

He used words to express how he felt.
But not the right words.
He chose his words carefully.
He painted a different reality, but he can't tell you what it is.
He wants to say something else, entirely.
You have to decide what it is.
He... makes a puzzle with his words.
Creates a rhythm with his breath.
It’s like everything's disconnected.
He's not gonna just come out and tell you what he's thinking.
He hides his true meaning.
No one can be trusted with it.
You have to...find out the truth on your own.

And to think this wise words were pronounced by someone who took one stupid decision after another. Ridiculous.

So if you have time to waste and you didn't receive your daily dose of nonsense yet, then you should definitely watch this movie. A film as empty as my bladder after a lengthy visit to the toilet.

PS. And when on earth is someone going to use figurants who do have a sense of rhythm and can dance a bit. Once again this was a bunch of people hopping around off beat as if they all were listening to their own personal iPod.
And I'm still wondering who that old guy was the whole time ...

My rating 1/10
Links : IMDB

zondag 27 juli 2014

Divergent (2014)
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: SF/Action/Adventure
Land : USA

Shailene Woodley : Tris
Theo James : Four
Ashley Judd : Natalie
Ray Stevenson : Marcus

Director : Neil Burger


Set in a futuristic dystopia where society is divided into five factions that each represent a different virtue, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their faction or switch to another - for the rest of their lives. Tris Prior makes a choice that surprises everyone. Then Tris and her fellow faction-members have to live through a highly competitive initiation process to live out the choice they have made. They must undergo extreme physical and intense psychological tests, that transform them all. But Tris has a secret that she is Divergent, which means she doesn't fit into any one group. If anyone knew, it would mean a certain death. As she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, this secret might help her save the people she loves... or it might destroy her.
My opinion

˝The future belongs to those who know where they belong.˝

˝Divergent¨. A movie everyone was eagerly looking forward to. A movie a lot of fuss was made about. A movie that was doomed to be a mega-success in the cinemas as ˝Guardians of the Galaxy˝.  The only difference with the latter is that the film from Marvel really looks original and refreshing and also has an unique atmosphere. ˝Divergent ˝ is yet another adaptation of a youth book, written by the twenty-five-year-old Veronica Roth, of which one hopes it will make a heap of money just like ˝Twilight˝ and ˝The Hunger Games˝ did. And afterwards the merchandising could exploit the youthful fans for years. Admittedly, I had a good feeling about this movie and was wondering how this film would turn out. That good feeling melted away like snow in the sun after roughly 45 minutes. I came to the conclusion that it was just another teen movie, with the same stale storylines and banal trivialities that would make an impression on a young naive public. In other words, again a fragile individual that eventually grows into a heroine and, surprisingly, saves society from being ruined. Sigh. That´s indeed for once quite different and terribly innovative.

We are in an indeterminate distant future in a post-apocalyptic Chicago shielded of by a huge metal wall. A half-ruined city that survived an unspecified war. Society is divided into several factions that are distinguished by their color, costumes, but mostly by their traits and personality. There are five groups: Abnegation (not selfish), Amity (peaceful), Candor (honest), Dauntless (brave), and Erudite (intelligent). At age 16 everyone should undergo a test after which they either blindly follow the outcome (they usually end up in the same faction their parents are in) or go against this outcome and choose another faction (and they lose contact with their relatives). Beatrice Prior, the designated heroine, comes to hear after her test that she doesn't belong to any specific factions. In fact she could join any of them and so she deviates a bit of the rest. She is being marked as ˝Divergent¨ . And apparently nobody should know that. She feels from the outset as a parasite. During the ceremony, she opts for Dauntless, which she worships since her childhood.

As I mentioned earlier, the first 45 minutes were fascinating. An explanation about the current situation with magnificent images of the ruins of Chicago. I was just wondering why they didn't renovate the existing buildings, since they could construct those ultra modern glass and iron buildings. Or were these half-streaked tower blocks the shelter for those who didn't belong to any class? Whatever. The description of the various factions was pictured nicely. It even went into a socio-political direction at one moment. But soon I couldn't prevent seeing comparison points with the other movies of youth books.

However, I fear to say everything that´s been said before and I don´t think I will reveal any new original angles. Indeed, the system of factions reasonable compares to that in ˝The Hunger Games˝. Katniss became a symbol of liberation and hope in ˝The Hunger Games˝. I suppose that role will also be played by Beatrice (I could be hopelessly wrong since I've never read the books). The ceremony can be compared with that from Harry Potter. The only thing they do not need to do is to put that old talking hat on their head. Just as Melanie, a rebellious teenager, in ˝The Host˝, Beatrice gets hopelessly entangled in a puppy love affair, as expected. Nevertheless there is one positive point. It´s by far better than ˝Beautiful Creatures˝ and way better than ˝The Mortar Instruments˝. And if you want to look at a futuristic film, where there is a distinction between certain classes and also has a struggle for freedom, then I suggest you watch ˝Snowpiercer˝. But then however, this movie lacks a bit of real romance and the aggressive and violent level is a bit higher. So it´s not for the faint romantic souls.

The initial phase where Tris is heading out with the jeering mob of Dauntless, climbing and balancing on bridges while wandering through town and jumping on hurtling trains and afterwards jumping back on flat roofs (yes just getting on and off a train at a platform is not challenging for these daredevils) is still enjoyable. Even the tests that they have to endure and the mutual competition that arises is still acceptable. But in the end I thought it was a barbaric and cruel faction that throw out newbies, who ultimately have chosen for them, because they didn't pass the tests. The moment a slight chemistry develops between Four and Tris, it goes downhill for me and it becomes a little too predictable. The ˝Beverly Hills 90210˝ level was reached without any problem with the glitzy, handsome protagonists and feel-good moments. It won´t be long and the merchandising machine will be on track and we are bombarded with all sorts of trinkets and gadgets. The next years will once again be filled with Barbie-like stuff, TV programs, PC Games and fashion statements that are related to ˝Divergent¨.

Shailene Woodley is perfect for this role and exudes a charisma and fragility. Her ​​future as a teen idol is guaranteed. She will travel the trajectory as a rising star just like Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson did before her. We´ll just wait and see if her future performances will be appreciated by moviegoers. Theo James has his looks and that will also guarantee a high melting level for all the the teenage girls looking at him and who will be floating home afterwards. His toughness doesn´t last long and before you know it he protects Tris as a real mother hen and winds up on the soggy and corny romantic path. Of all the companions of Tris the only one that I can remember is the role of Miles Teller as the terrible enervating Peter. When I look at his performance in ˝The Awkward Moment˝ I´m sure that the irritating quality is a personal trait. Kate Winslet managed again to come across as haughty and disdainful. For the rest it wasn't really an impressive role. 

Ultimately ˝Divergent˝ is an adolescent story with a disappointing predictable plot. I suppose the sequel, like with ˝The Hunger Games˝, will be a middle film which will contribute even less. So I'm not going to bother to watch it. Despite the sometimes extremely professional elaborate action scenes, it all feels as fake as the applied tattoos.

My rating 4/10
Links : IMDB

zaterdag 26 juli 2014

Chariot (2013)
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: Thriller/Drama
Country : USA

Anthony Montgomery : Cole
Michelle Sherill : Genevieve
Brina Palencia : Emily

Director: Brad Osborne


Seven strangers wake aboard a passenger jet in mid-flight, with no idea how they got there - and no idea where they are headed. Cut off from the cockpit and with a dying smartphone as their sole source of communication, they learn the U.S. is under a devastating attack... and they might be the only survivors.

My opinion 

“Nobody thought 9/11 could happen either.”

Sometimes there are such movies that keep me glued to the screen, claim my full attention and are so intriguing that the sense of time is off and I wholeheartedly admit afterwards that the movie I just saw was excellent. ˝Charity˝ is one out of that category. A low-budget Indie thriller that only costed a small $ 42,000  (that´s actually unbelievable) and was made in mere 12 days. The fact that it all takes place in one location, namely a Boeing 727, probably also ensured that the cost of this film was so low. The biggest drawback is that it surely needs a peerless script since there aren´t a lot of action elements (although ˝Non-stop˝ actually proved the contrary) or breathtaking locations. And according to my opinion this script was of a high entertainment level. A level many blockbusters could learn something from. Obviously that's my personal opinion.

Seven people wake up in a Boeing 727, not knowing how they ended up there and what´s the destination. Together they try to figure out what the purpose is of them being trapped there. After finding a cell phone, because apparently theirs are gone, they discover that the U.S. was massively attacked and cities such as New York, Washington and Houston vanished off the face of the earth. After a while they realize they were destined to be on this flight.

Despite the limitation of taking place in one single place the entire movie, namely aboard a Boeing, the director Brad Osborne still managed to keep the suspense. And this because of the sustained pace and the brilliant camerawork. The topic seems unlikely and the story also has some flaws. And yet it´s not unthinkable that the U.S. authorities worked out a similar scenario in case such a situation would arise. And now certainly in the aftermath of 9/11. As the team of ˝Chariot˝ formulated it : ˝Chariot paints a cautionary tale of what can happen when the good intentions of the U.S. government are poorly executed.˝

But the things that made it an entertaining movie were the insightful elaborate dialogues, the amusing interactions and the brilliant performances. Michelle Sherrill as Genevieve, contractor for the U.S. government. Brina Palencia who once worked as interim for the White House. And Leslie Hippensteel also got a moment to excel in her role as the alleged housewife. But especially the acting by Anthony ˝Star Trek: Enterprise˝ Montgomery as the seemingly misplaced truck driver Cole was a hit and he was the star of this movie. Forthright and determined he tried to point everything in the right direction. He was alternately straightforward and extremely funny. 
Cole : ˝You wanna try the cockpit door ? Maybe it'll open up for a woman.˝
Emily : ˝What makes you think it's not a woman flying ?˝
Cole : ˝Well, maybe she likes girls.˝

Even David DeLao as Ra was extremely funny.
˝I look like a terrorist. I know. It's okay. You can stop pretending.˝
It´s thanks to the talented and highly motivated cast this was a captivating film.

As the film progresses the tension increases. In retrospect, the fact that you are a spectator who´s unaware of the real situation is a plus. Everything stays mysterious and you continue to follow the developments cause it stays fascinating. Perhaps the film is abruptly broken off and it makes you wonder how it ended. But ultimately this was the most logical way to end it. I expected such a final but the way all the puzzle pieces fell together was extremely surprising.

˝Chariot˝ is an exciting, entertaining, intense and successful thriller. A film that also appeals to your imagination. It makes you wonder if this could be a true story and what the ultimate result was after the denouement. A successful experiment with a low budget. This proofs again that even with limited resources, wonderful things can be achieved. Highly recommended !

My rating 7/10
Links : IMDB

vrijdag 25 juli 2014

Almost Human (2013)
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: Horror/SF
Country : USA
Graham Skipper  : Seth
Josh Ethier : Mark
Vanessa Leigh : Jen

: Joe Begos


Mark Fisher disappeared from his home in a brilliant flash of blue light almost two years ago. His friend Seth Hampton was the last to see him alive. Now a string of grisly, violent murders leads Seth to believe that Mark is back, and something evil is inside of him.

My opinion

"Something weird is going on !"

Are you a fan of the slasher genre and it shouldn't be too complicated, then you'll certainly appreciate ˝Almost Human˝. This extremely short movies of less than 80 minutes doesn't waste time and starts immediately after a successful beginning and then goes on in a terrifying pace. Where Joe Begos, writer, producer and director of this scifi-slasher, got his inspiration is obvious. He made an appeal on quite some acquaintances to act in this low budget movie. And eventually that´s the only downside. You can hardly call most of them acting talents. But I must admit that technically and script-wise it´s put together nicely.

Patten, Maine, 13 October 1987. Seth (Graham Skipper) arrives with top speed at his good friend Mark´s (Josh Ethier) house and tells the unlikely story that their friend Rob disappeared into thin air after a blue gleam appeared and he got sucked into the sky. Mark doesn't believe him until the same symptoms manifest themselves at his place : blue light and a deafening shrill sound. Before the eyes of Seth and Jen (Vanessa Leigh), Mark's girlfriend, the latter disappears too. Two years pass and Seth is still suffering from this traumatic experience: nosebleeds, sleeplessness and endless visits to a therapist. He himself was arrested because the authorities thought he had something to do with the mysterious disappearance, but due to a lack of evidence, he was released. Jen went on with her life again and has an uncomplicated relation with someone else, until Seth shows up with the news that something is fishy, and he has a feeling Mark will return.

The first thought that occurred to me when seeing the movie poster is that it´s kind of similar to that of ˝The Thing˝ and ˝Scanners˝. ˝Almost Human˝ is an homage to the VHS era of the 80's. It is a mix of B-slasher movies from that period as ˝Friday the 13th˝ and ˝Sorority House Massacre˝, and SF movies about alien abductions like ˝Invasion of the Body Snatchers˝ (especially the primal scream of Mark reminds me of that one) from years ago and recently ˝Dark Skies˝. You can therefore expect the inventive use of butcher knives, axes and chainsaws. Sometimes it is rather simplistic. As Mark approaches someone carrying a shotgun while that person is working with a chainsaw, and you can also see a log with an axe in it, you don´t need to be smart to figure out how this will end. The bloody gore parts are abundant and the real horror fans will definitely be delighted. The more critical film lovers however will stumble over the sometimes abominably bad acting. The way Mark attempts to fertilize Jen was an original idea though.

The two protagonists Graham Skipper and Josh Ethier were the most convincing. Especially Ethier delivered a brilliant performance. Skipper started in a promising way but gradually evolved into a wistful and baffled person who just could not grasp it all and constantly repeated that he didn't really understood what was going on and that something wasn't right. His facial expression was purely infantile at a certain moment. The rest of the cast was acting as if it was a privilege to take part in this movie and it was a performance they could brag about during a game of bowling with some friends afterwards. Especially the colleagues of Jen and Seth were quite amateurish. On the one hand they looked as if they were afraid to forget their next sentence. And on the other hand they looked like a toddler who has done a pee for the first time on the potty : satisfied and proud. The reaction of Jens new fiance as Mark suddenly stands at his door is so stupid that it was justified to be slaughtered. The guy disappeared mysteriously and suddenly reappears after 2 years. I would react differently for sure.

Besides the sometimes weak performances, there were also some flaws that I noticed. These are small details. But avoiding such errors benefits the credibility of a movie. There were two hunters who discover Mark in the woods. One of them wants to go and check it out, fearless because he holds a huge shotgun, and the other follows him while holding another rifle. But still he needed to load that riffle when they were attacked. Fairly stupid for an experienced hunter, I think. Then there was the moment that Mark drove off with the captured jeep at the gas station with a windshield smeared with gallons of blood. The next time we see him driving, you´ll notice a clean windshield as if he has just visited carwash.

Yet ˝Almost Human˝ could charm me. A short, fast and furious SciFi horror with some gore excerpts. Allthough you can´t really call it exciting. The performances are sometimes lousy, but the editing of this movie is excellent. Not a moment I had the feeling I was watching a low-budget movie filmed with an ordinary digital camcorder. Joe Begos is definitely a name to keep in mind.

However. Afterwards I still had an unanswered question: What happened with Rob ?

My rating 5/10
Links : IMDB