Cast : Mark Wahlberg : Chris Faraday Kate Beckinsale : Kate Faraday Ben Foster : Sebastian Abney Giovanni Ribisi : Tim Briggs
Director : Baltasar Kormakur
Summary Chris Faraday once smuggled illegal items or contraband into the country on freighters. He left that life behind, got married has a family and went legit. But when his brother-in-law got involved with Briggs, a drug dealer and when he blew a deal, Briggs demands restitution which he can't deliver. So Chris offers to find a way to pay him but the he threatens Chris' family if he doesn't deliver. So he gets on a freighter destined for Panama and he sets out to bring back some counterfeit currency. Briggs "goes to see" Chris' family. When Chris learns of this he asks his friend Sebastian to take care of them which he does. He tells Chris that it would be better to bring drugs instead of the cash.
My opinion Wahlberg at his best. Magnificent crime film with smuggling as main theme. Excellent casted actors including Ribisi. A great role and with a nervous demeanor as always. It always looks as if they pumped his veins full with some kind of synthetic drug.
The basic idea isa bitstolenfrom "Gone in 60 Seconds", namely an ex-criminal who was onthe right path,goingback tohisold habitto helpa family...Bwah...I canlive with that. The actionscenesare top notch andthe atmosphere inthefilm remainsexciting. Greatmoviefor all I care!
Cast : Cung Le : Hong Peter Weller : Mister V Jean-Claude Van Damme : Tiano
Director : John Hyams
Summary St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins Dash and Antuan terrorize the streets and the citizens live without a shred of hope... until mysterious stranger Ryan Hong arrives in town. He begins to play one gang against the other using his unparalleled martial arts skills, and by calling on the teachings of his brilliant mentor Tiano to find the strength to battle back.
My opinion I had a lot of fun watching thismartialartfilm.Somecleverfightscenesand a simplestoryline. But ...I assumedthat it wouldbe aJCVDmovie, but that waslike ahugeletdown.He had a minimalroll.
And that Chung Le guy is a real blabbermouth. The first 40 minutes I'm sure he didn't speak more then 30 words. Amazing...... Conclusion: nicefightscenes-a flash ofJCVDand a taciturnasian fellow ...
Cast : Denzel Washington : Whip Whitaker Kelly Reilly : Nicole Don Cheadle : Hugh Lang John Goodman : Harling Mays
Director : Robert Zemeckis
Summary Whip Whitaker is a commuter airline pilot. While on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta something goes wrong and the plane starts to fly erratically. With little choice Whip crashes the plane and saves almost all on board. When he wakes up in the hospital, his friend from the airline union introduces him to a lawyer who tells him there's a chance he could face criminal charges because his blood test reveals that he is intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine. He denies being impaired, so while an investigation is underway, he is told to keep his act together. However, letting go of his addiction is not as easy as it seems...
My opinion
A top, excellent, brilliant, beautiful movie about the struggle of a person who fights against his addiction. The plane crash is actually not the main subject in this film. That's only used to attract people to the theater because it looks so spectacular. In a way it's just for satisfying our tendency to have a peek at disasters. And it gave the SE department the opportunity to flex its muscles. If that's the only thing that excites you, you'll be disappointed about the rest of the movie. But the strength of this film and the admirable performance of Denzel is the realistic portray of the archetype of an alcoholic. For people who have been in such a stage of their life, there are many points that are so characteristic and recognizable. Others will call it a fake alcoholic or acting a bit pathetic about an addiction.
But Denzel shows what such a person has to endure : the shame, the profligate, the awareness of having a problem, feeling helpless and missing the strength to get over it and to resist the urge. There are a few small things that indicate that Denzel has studied it thoroughly. Such as knowing up to the minute how long he's been sober, the guilty and ashamed feeling at an AA meeting and then leaving with such an air as if that's only for suckers to go there and the hand that comes back into the picture to take that bottle. At the funeral of a colleague he asks another colleague to lie a little about his problem. That shows how low a person can go when being addicted to something.
The fact he's a pilotand he was able to prevent a planecrashing in such a severe way that there would be more victims, is only a way that leads tothe unveilingof his alcohol problem for years. He might as wellbeendriving a tricycleagainsta lampposttoachieve the sameresult, but the imageswouldn't be so spectacular.Andtrust me,the end isnot as moralizingas I read here and there butshowshowsomeonewhocanmake that click in hislifealso ensuresthat his lifeandenvironmentchanges dramatically. My rating 9/10 Links : IMDB
Cast : Bruce Willis : John McClane Justin Long : Matt Farell Timothy Olyphant : Thomas Gabriel
Director : Len Wiseman
Summary When someone hacks into the computers at the FBI's Cyber Crime Division; the Director decides to round up all the hackers who could have done this. When he's told that because it's the 4th of July most of their agents are not around so they might have trouble getting people to get the hackers. So he instructs them to get local PD'S to take care of it. And one of the cops they ask is John McClane who is tasked with bringing a hacker named Farrell to the FBI. But as soon as he gets there someone starts shooting at them. McClane manages to get them out but they're still being pursued. And it's just when McClane arrives in Washington that the whole system breaks down and chaos ensues.
My opinion
As excitedas I was aboutthe firstthreeparts, sodeeply disappointedI was aboutthisweakpartintheDie Hardsaga. Thefirstthree films weregreatbecause of the tension, the cleveraction scenesandthe coolhardMcClanewith his snappy one-liners anddrycynical humor.
Thelatteris still inthis film, but the action issooooooooexaggerated, I couldsighat the sightof italone.
The firstcomment Ihad, andI've also read on IMDB, was that they were blocking allstreets inDCexceptthose streetswherethe chasewould happen. That chaseended in atunnel(admittedly irresistiblescenes) and when the lights wereturned offby thebad-guys, I couldn'thelpthinking: Euh , I wouldat leastput on mylights. Nobody did ...
But the mostirritatingpart for me wasthe one whereMcClaneis driving atruckover abridge and being chased by afighter jet.This was sogrotesque, sosuperhero-ish. ThisbelongedinThe Avengersor another over the top superhero movie ...but not inDie Hard. BruceWillis=Die Hard. But it'sreally easyto casthim and thenput on the movie poster "Die Hard: blablablablabla ...". Success guaranteed.
Timothy Olyphantplays thewould-be-bad-guy. Anexpressionlessface. He still needs to go a long way until he's ascrazyasthe3bad-asses from the firstthreeparts. Justin Long acted very convincing as the youthfulcomputernerd who was almost wetting his pants with all that violencearound him.
Cast : Cuba Gooding Jr. : Majoor Emanuelle Stance Terrence Howard : Kolonel A.J. Bullard Bryan Cranston : Kolonel William Mortamus
Director : Anthony Hemingway
Summary Italy 1944. As the war takes its toll on Allied forces in Europe, a squadron of black pilots known as the Tuskegee Airmen are finally given the chance to prove themselves in the sky - even as they battle discrimination on the ground. It's a tribute to the unsung heroes who rose above extraordinary challenges and ultimately soared into history.
My opinion
DuringWWIIinItaly, aregiment ofblackpilotsare flyingaround withoutdatedP40's toperformmeaninglesstasksbecause the whitearmytop managementdoesn't believethatblack peopleare intellectuallyenough toperform real actions.It's a bit like in theAmerican Civil War, where they were seen asjust cannon fodder. Eventually,they mayprove themselvesanyway.
Combinethatwith alove storyand you haveRedTails.
It was averyentertainingmovie, lots of action, some impressivedogfights (in myeyesanyway). I wasn't bored for a second watching this one. It wasn't a state of the art movie , butnotas you reada lot,atotalflop. The strange thingis thaton IMDByou can readtotally differentopinionsfrom people whoactuallywill know what they are talking about I guess. For example 1. As a retired USAF Fighter Pilot, having flown 100 missions as an F-105 Wild Weasel over the hottest areas of North Vietnam, and recipient of the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and ten Air Medals, I found the movie to be excellent. 2. I am a pilot in the Air Force.This is by far the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. 3. I'm a former US Air Force F-4 Phantom Weapons Systems Officer (backseater).You know this movie is crap when you start with a supposed fighter squadron commander who doesn't know the difference between a SQUAD (thirteen infantrymen) and a SQUADRON (48 fighter pilots).
Probably it isn't all technicallyaccuratebutit surely was thrilling entertainment.
Cast : Gina Carano : Mallory Kane Ewan McGregor : Kenneth Michael Fassbender : Paul Antonio Banderas : Rodrigo
Director : Steven Soderbergh
Summary Freelance covert operative Mallory Kane is hired out by her handler to various global entities to perform jobs which governments can't authorize and heads of state would rather not know about. After a mission to rescue a hostage in Barcelona, Mallory is quickly dispatched on another mission to Dublin. When the operation goes awry and Mallory finds she has been double crossed, she needs to use all of her skills, tricks and abilities to escape an international manhunt, make it back to the United States, protect her family, and exact revenge on those that have betrayed her.
My opinion The femaleJasonBourne...GinaCarano is one hot looking girl , yummie. That's one reason why she has been casted for "The Fastandthe Furious6". Manyflashbacksin this film. I amnota big fan of that.
Most fightscenes look fine. AndMichaelDouglas has alimited rolein it, which doesn't bring this movieto a higherlevel. Nice towatch it for once. I won't bother to have a look at it once again !
Summary Story kicks off with the mysterious murder of a senator bearing the marks of a Soviet assassin, who was long thought to be dead. To hunt down the killer, a retired CIA operative, who spent his career going toe-to-toe with his Soviet nemesis, is teamed with a young FBI agent.
Genre : Action/Crime Country : USA Cast : Richard Gere : Paul Shepherdson Topher Grace : Ben Geary Stephen Moyer : Brutus Director : Michael Brandt
My opinion
Ouch, whata setback.
I thoughtafilm withRichardGereas a retired secret agentmight well beinteresting.The first half hour it was. When I sawTopherGrace, I didn't recognize him immediately. And then it hit me. He used to play in "That '70s Show". At that time he already looked sluggish and dull. In this movie it also seemed as if he would fall asleep any time.This part totallydidn't suithim.
The plot being revealedso earlyissomething new. But thenit all crumbles down andatthe end you geta totally unexpectedtwist. The only thing is, it's totally unbelievable. Theheroic fightatthe endbetweenRichard Gere andTamerHassanwas kind of entertaining, but when suddenlyGerecrawls alongGraceand almost immediatelypasses away, I was like,"Yep, come on". What asillytheater. A spy/thriller with agreat start, a surprisinglyearlydisclosure andthena downwardflight toan anticlimax.One positive thing :it was fun to seeMartinSheen playing again.
Summary In the wake of the end of the world, a family of four desperately tries to survive against insurmountable odds. Their goal: escaping the city and traveling to the rural community they once called home, Dover's Bend. The constant threat of a violent death forcing them to stay as far away from civilization as possible, they take to the forest, soon to discover the danger posed by other survivors may be the least of their worries.
Genre : Horror/SF Country : Canada Cast : John Fantasia : Scott Weaver Steve Vieira : Aaron Weaver Anna Ross : Rebecca Weaver Director : Justin McConell
My opinion I had a sleeplessnight, so I thought,lets watch a movie my wifecertainly doesn't want to see...It would have been better if I stayed in bed. There's a beginning and anend, andthat's it. Just one absurdmoment in the movie I want to share : fourmembersof a family are on the run for "I don't know what" because"I don't know what"has happened totheworld. Anxiouslythey are running and stumblingthrough the woods. Andthen thedaughter needs...10minutesprivacyTOSHAVEHER LEGS... Go figure !
Thatwas the straw that broke the camel's back. A worthlessshittymovieof the year!
Cast : Dennis Quaid : Ely Tony Oller : Travis Aimee Teegarden : Abby
Director : Martin Guigui
Summary In Smithville, Texas, the teenagers Brian, Abby, Travis and Danny are classmates of the Smithville High School and best friends. One day, they are reading Macbeth for a class and they decide to investigate the rumors that the house of the mortician Ely Vaughn is haunted by ghosts. They see shadows in the upper window and they break in the house to see what is happening and they see a corpse lying on the bed; however, they are surprised by Ely that kills Danny, pushing him to fall off the staircase. Nobody believes in the teenagers since Ely is a respectable citizen, but Travis and Abby decide to prove that the undertaker is a psychopath.
My opinion Aweful B-movie.EvenQuaidcouldn't bringthis crap movie to a higherlevel.Forgetthissillyaffair!
Cast : Michael Fassbender : Carl Jung Viggo Mortensen : Sigmund Freud Keira Knightley : Sabina Spielrein
Director : David Cronenberg
Summary Suffering from hysteria, Sabina Spielrein is hospitalized under the care of Dr. Carl Jung who has begun using Dr. Sigmund Freud's talking cure with some of his patients. Spielrain's psychological problems are deeply rooted in her childhood and violent father. She is highly intelligent however and hopes to be a doctor, eventually becoming a psychiatrist in her own right. The married Jung and Spielrein eventually become lovers. Jung and Freud develop an almost father-son relationship with Freud seeing the young Jung as his likely successor as the standard-bearer of his beliefs. A deep rift develops between them when Jung diverges from Freud's belief that while psychoanalysis can reveal the cause of psychological problems it cannot cure the patient.
My opinion
Having an opinion aboutapsychologicalfilm isdifficult.The movie concentrates on the origins ofpsychoanalysis,the techniques and theideasabout that.The resultis indeeda boring movie, filledwithlots ofdialogue. Theemotional relationship betweenKnightleyandFassbender though is interesting.
Personally,I likethat kind of a"psychiatrist-helps-patien-with-a-problem'film, butratherachemicalco-equal like Damonand Williams in" Good Will Hunting". "A dangerous mind" isn't a movie you can watch after a tiringday at work that ended withheadache.It's not mitigatingmaterialsuch as an aspirin.
Cast : Michael Fassbender : David Noomi Rapace : Elizabeth Shaw Charlize Theron : Meredith Vickers
Director : Ridley Scott
Summary This film is set in 2093 and takes place in the same universe as the 'Alien' movies. A group of explorers, including some archaeologists, are on an "undisclosed" mission. They arrive at a planet millions of miles away from Earth. The team spot what they believe to be signs of civilization. They go to investigate and find more than just signs, they find conclusive evidence. But some of them have an ulterior motive for being there, including the Weyland Corporation. They believe that this is where the human race actually came from. Things soon turn from excitement to survival once inside their discovery.
My opinion
"Whatever that probe is picking up, it's a life form."
Iam ahugefan of theAliensaga myself. "Alien", the legendarycult film, I've seen originally in the cinema. Personally, I always thought "Aliens" was the best, most excitingandmost pronouncedAlien-part. But like I said, it's personal. I don't knowhow manytimes I've watchedit onVHS,but I knowit almostby heart.Thenexttwoparts actuallypassedmeas a volatileitem. Judging bythe scoreon IMDBit's not that absurd. Part1 and2 get a8.5 score, while the nexttwoparts have to be satisfied with only a6.4anda6.2 score.
Firstlets talk abouttheprequel blabbering.I'mnota supporter oftheprequelstuff. Ithas beenrepeatedlyshown that mostly itdoesn'treach the level oftheoriginalpart, and in myeyes it's justmeditatingon the commercialsuccess oftheoriginal film. In other words it's just a way to exploit thefollowers and fansa littlebit.But lets not generalize this. There arenuances. Personally, I think the "Star Wars"prequelsare pure crap, "The Hobbit"isn't such abad attempt andPrometheusis, in myeyes,not evenreally a prequel. Well itinterfaces with"Alien"but it'sSFso itmay aswell be othercreatures. Not? "Mother" from"Alien" supposed to be a kind of supercomputerbut actually it looked more like an old-fashionedASCIImainframe, and the IT in Prometheus looks like state of the art. Kind of strange for a prequel.
And then I read the whole discussionwith all these questions about how to explain everything,whyithappened andhow did theyend upthere. What's with the jockey, and who wasnowfirstand is this theorigin of mankind. ..andblablabla...It'sSFandremains fiction. Fiction causes everyone having other type of questions where a zillion others have an own interpretation about, what results in again a bunch of other hypotheses.Howthe hell could they find exactly this place ?Achance of 1 in a millionopportunities likeI read in someones opinion. Whoknows, they might have builta nano-bio ultramoderncomplexsupercomputeron Earth, which could calculate this with superhumanprecision. SFright ? But when amovie comes out which is a bittoo linearand tooobvious where no questions are asked about, general opinion will say this isn't great either.
Well, I havefinally seenit ! With a bit of delay but that's because my digitallist of movies I still need tosee, is that long. I don't have theinclination towatchit in3D, even if itadds valueand looksmorefantastic.I wear glasses and thenI find itdamn hard to start messing around with someplastictrinketto get it pinned on therest ofmy tooshort nose.Ultimately, I ammore busy dealing with the damnglassesthanwith the film.
Andthen finallyabout the movie: beautiful,majesticandlike a great SF should be, with breathtakingmomentsinterms of the scenery, atmosphereand effects. Who knows,itreally lookslike thisin the universeon an unknown planet. I'm gladSigourneyWeaver wasn'tstarring inthis film, becauseIthink she wouldn't fitinhereandthenthe entireprequeldiscussion would collapse asa house of cards. Forme this wasjustagoodSFwithsomeexciting moments. There aren't so many SF movies like this anymore. The fact that some characterslook ratherstupidand sometimesreact in avery strangeway, didn't bother me that much for once.
I'm going to make a harsh statement, but for once a sequel is more then welcome, so I can move around again in the universe in a virtual way.